I am super excited about this years challenge. Mainly because for the first time I am not in school for another week (ya summer classes....not) so I do not have to worry about studying or homework. Thinking that last weekend was the first weekend in June I was planning on devoting a good chunk of my reading to organic chemistry to study for finals, I took my last final yesterday. You can now see why I did a happy dance when I found out that the reading challenge is this weekend.
If I had known about the challenge in May I would have asked off this weekend at my summer job and tried for the whole 48 hours.
Yet the job is not the only thing that is taking up my time. I have so many things to do in the coming week, to get ready for the summer classes (which I am referring to as Hell. You would too if you were taking 3 engineering classes over a 7 week period.). So along with working, I will be also devoting a significant amount of time to cleaning/organizing the basement and all of my laundry. While cleaning I will be listening to an audio book, I chose one which is nearly 12 hours long.
My official start time is going to be noon eastern time. My goal for this year is 24+ hours.
Happy reading everyone!